Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015


Gaming(playing games) is a game that you play in a device.

Video game is a game with the video that your playing in your divice

Playing games to much will hurt your eyes,and make you to addicted to playing game 

Gaming sometimes will make you mad,sad,happy,etc.example: you're  playing an online game that is really hard to get items and You already have a lot of items then suddenly someone just entered your base than steal all your stuff without knowing that is gone ,and you will be very angry or sad(won't you be angry if someone just steal all your hard work?).

Here's some games that you should try:

  • Minecraft
  • Terraria
  • Clash of clans
  • Amnesia 
  • Call of duty:advance warfare
  • Rift
  • Assassin creed
  • Grand thief auto v

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