Minggu, 22 November 2015

Manfaat Google classroom dalam lingkungan SMP DEK

Saat ini dari tahun 2015 SMP DEK Padang mulai memanfaatkan aplikasi yang di sediakan Google untuk pembelajaran secara online yaitu Google classroom , setiap siswa di berikan akun Google gratis untuk masuk ke Google classroom atau menggunakan aplikasi berbayar Google tersebut dan lainnya secara gratis , kali ini saya akan menjelaskan pemanfaatan yang telah di lakukan para siswa SMP DEK Padang dalam menggunakan Google classroom
Sebelum saya mulai menerangkan cara penggunaannya,mari saya jelaskan sedikit tentang Google classroom dan dampaknya

Di dalam aplikasi Google classroom yg telah dikenalkan kepada kami ,kita dapat belajar menggunakan teknologi yang di buat Google saat ini,tidak perlu lagi menggunakan pensil ataupun pena dengan banyak kertas ataupun buku dan lain lain dalam mengerjakan tugas dan saya rasa itupun juga mengurangi penggunaan kayu di muka bumi dalam produksi pensil dan kertas atau buku.

Dalam aplikasi tsb kita DPT belajar di sekolah maupun di rumah ,saat kita di sekolah kita bisa mengerjakan latihan yg telah diberikan oleh guru melalui Google classroom ,dan saat libur ataupun saat kita sakit di rumah maupun di RS,kita DPT menerima dan mengerjakan tugas melalui  Google classroom sehingga  kita tidak akan ketinggalan pelajaran.

Dalam Google classroom kita bisa masuk ke beberapa kelas mata pelajaran melalui kode yg telah diberikan dari Google ke guru ke murid

Ada beberapa dampak yang saya lihat,yaitu,:
Dampak negatifnya:
-murid bisa main Gajed di kelas tanpa diketahui guru
-murid bisa saja menjadi lebih malas menulis karena lebih nyaman ngetik
Dampak positifnya:
-tulisan murid yang jelek ataupun tidak bisa dibaca menjadi bisa dibaca guru dengan mudah
-kita tidak perlu membawa banyak buku lagi ke sekolah

Sekarang ke cara gunanya

Dari gambar di atas,itu adalah kelas kelas yg ada setelah kita masukkan kode yg diberikan

 gambar di atas  menunjukkan tugas tugas yg diberikan dari guru,pada halaman ini kita  DPT melihat skor yg kita dapatkan dan teman teman yang telah mengumpulkan tugas itu 

Dari gambar di atas , dapat di simpulkan bahwa kita juga dapat memiliki teman sekelas dalam Google classroom yang juga dapat kita ajak ngobrol dan sharing berbagai hal

Kita bisa mengirimkan hasil pekerjaan tugas kita dalam bentuk dokumen , Link , dan lain lain , itu adalah salah satu keunggulan aplikasi yang diberikan Google ini yang juga membuat kita dapat mengerjakan atau mengirimkan tugas kepada guru kita dengan kreasi dan kreativitas kita seperti dalam bentuk PowerPoint atau pun Frezi .

 Dari gambar,Disitu adalah tempat kita melihat tugas tugas kita ,yang telat maupun yang tidak.
Guru guru bisa melihat siapa saja yang telat dan yg tidak.

Jika ada salah kata mohon maaf.😀

Senin, 02 November 2015


terraria is a 2D MMO game,many people say terraria is a game that similar to minecraft 

You start with a sword,pickaxe,and an axe.sword is for defending yourself from the monsters,pick axe is for digging/destroy blocks(ex:dirt,stone,ores,etc)those blocks that you dig will turn to smaller pieces that you can pick up,and axe is for cut down trees,when you cut the very bottom part of the trees to will destroy all of It and if you cut the upper part it will only destroy the part that you cut till the top part.

Making a house is important,because the monsters are many night  and the problem is you can't sleep at terraria,so build a simple house house like the picture bellow

To build this house you will need many wood,don't worry about the furniture because you will not need all of it,

First you build the floor 10-15 blocks wide and than build a crafting table in the crafting menu,place it than craft 2 doors,Than place wood in the very left and right floor that you already place the wood for 6 block high,than break 3blocks in the left and right for the doors,than craft 6 platforms for the stairs,than to build the second floor just repeat the first floor and don't put doors at the side,place 3 platform at the first floor's rooft,and repeat for the third floor than all you need is 6 torch ,put 2 in each corner floor ,and 3 tables with 6 chairs ,put the table in each floor with the chair at the side of the table,

That's for the basics,just exploring more to learn more things,get all times of material for many useful things

If you make another new world ,you can use the same character

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015


Read the text below and answer the questions!

 The Rats and The Elephants

Once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. 

Manyofthemwereevencrushedtodeath.Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant's chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant's king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped 

The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant's herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.

1. What type of text is the above text? It is …
A. a narrative text 
B. a description text
C. a recount text
D. an anecdote text
E. an expository text

2. What destroyed the homes of all rats?
A. a group of mice did

B. the hunter did
C. elephant-hunter did
D.a group of elephants did
E. elephant's herd

3. What helped the elephant's herd free?
A. the elephant-hunter did
B. the hunters did
C. the trapped elephants did
D. a group of king did
E. entire group of rats did

4. What is generic structure of "once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace"? 
A. Identification
B. Orientation
C. Complication
D. Resolution
E. Description

5. At the end of the story, how was the elephant's herd?
A. angry
B. sad
D. dead
E. Disappointed

The following text is for Questions 1 to 2.

A Poor Boy
A poor boy sold goods from door to door to pay his school fee. One day he had only a little money left and he was very hungry. He decided to ask for some food at the next house he visited. However he was so nervous when a lovely young woman opened the door. He only asked for a glass of water. The woman thought that the boy was hungry so she gave him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked. “How much do owe you?”. “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied, “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” He said, “Then u thank you from my heart.” As the poor boy left that house, he felt stronger. His faith in God was getting stronger too. He had been ready to stop his study but now he got a spirit to continue it until he became a docto
       Some years later that young woman became critically ill. She was sent to the big city to cure her disease. The poor boy was the doctor. When he knew the name of the town she came from. he went to meet her. He recognized her at once. He tried hard to save the woman’s life. From then on he gave special attention to the sick woman. After a long struggle, the woman could be cured. The poor boy paid all the bill. He wrote “Paid in full with one glass of milk” under the bill. When the woman opened the bill, tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed,” thank you God, that your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands1. What can we learn after reading the story above?

1. What did the poor boy ask when he met the woman?
A.     Some food

B.  A glass of water.
C.     A large of milk.
D.     Health is important in life.

2. What did the main idea of paragraph two?
A.     The poor boy asked the woman for food.
B.     The woman came to the town where the boy lived.
C.     The poor boy cured the woman and repaid her kindness.
D.     The woman gave a large glass of milk to the poor boy.

Read the text below and answer the questions!

The Girl and Her Bucket

A young girl was going to market with a bucket of milk on her head. "With the gold that I get from the sale of this milk, I'll buy a red hen," she said. "The hen will lay eggs, they'll hatch and then I'll have many chicks to be raised. I'll feed them well and when they're grown, they will lay eggs. And those eggs will hatch and I will have more hens that will lay more eggs that will hatch into chicks.
I'll be rich and I'll wear fine clothes with emeralds and rubies from my collar to my toes and one day perhaps I shall visit the Queen. I shall bring her rare gifts from China. I'll enter the court with my

arms full of treasure. When I bow low to the queen, I shall say, "For your majesty's pleasure!"
And she bowed low. With that sweep of her arm, she knocked off the bucket and spilled her fantasy load.
"Oh dear," she cried, "My dreams are splattered in puddles of milk on the road."

Vocabulary List:
-  bucket  = ember
-  sale  = penjualan
-  lay eggs  = bertelur
-  hatch  = menetas
-  raised  = diternakkan
-  feed  = memberi makan
-  emeralds  = zamrud
-  rubies  = merah delima
-  collar  = kerah baju

-  rare  = langka
-  treasure  = harta karun
-  bow  = membungkuk
-  spilled  = menumpahkan
-  splattered  = tercecer
-  puddles  = genangan, kubangan

A.  Circle T if the statement is True and F if it is False.
T____1.  A young girl was going to market to sell the milk.
T____2.  She would buy emeralds from the sale of the milk.
F____3.  The girl is from a rich family.
____4.  The girl had a fantasy to be rich.
T____5.  The girl lost her dream as she spilled the milk.

B.  Answer the following questions based on the text above.
1.  Where did the girl put the bucket of milk on?her her head

2.  Where was the girl going to?Market
3.  What did she want to get from the sale of the milk?hens
4.  Why did s
he want to be rich?because she have a dream to be rich 
5.  Who would she visit if she was rich?queen
6.  What would she say when bowing to the Queen?for your majesty's pleasure
7.  What would she give to the Queen?rare gift from China
8.  How did she splatter her dream?splatter in puddle of milk in the road

Selasa, 08 September 2015

Number words

Not many people can read this
If you can read it,well... Congrats 
71-1I5 11156 15 4 y0u,1\107 11141\1y p30p13 c41\1 12341) 71-115.
71-115 15 4 y01_1 \/\/1-10 c41\1 12341) 71-115.
Y01_112 13f7 1312411\1 15 \/\/0121<11\16 f11\13,
50 1-13123'5 71-13 11156.131_17...
Y01_1 1-14\/3 70 12341) 71-15 <412f1_1l1y
71-13 11156 15 4 11141<11\1 y01_1 1-14ppy,01\11y 4 y01_1 71-147
<41\1 12341) 71-115.1 1<1\10\/\/ 71-147 y01_1 4123 \/\/41711\1 4 71-13
11156 50... 1-13123 17 15
<01\1612475 70 3\/312y01\1 71-147 <41\1 12341) 71-115
41\11) 1)01\17 133 11141) 1f 71-13 11156 15 71-147 51-10127 41\1) 51111p13
The end


Understanding the Internet and Internet history from time to times - According to the wikipedia website Internet stands (interconnection-networking) is a global system of interconnected computer networks connect with each other around the world. Adapaun standard used is called the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP). Computer connected to the Internet can perform fast data exchange activities. History of the Internet Internet first appeared in the United States are initiated by the Department of Defense in 1969, through a project called ARPANET ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency Network). In the project they showed that by using a UNIX-based hardware and software, communication can be performed with infinite distance through telephone lines. In the ARPANET project formed the embryo of the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) as it is today. They are designing a network, reliability, how much information can be transferred, and finally all the standards. At that time the Internet aimed at military purposes, but over time berjalanya Internet was developed for the education and general. In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail program that he created a year ago for the ARPANET. E-mail program is so easy that instantly became popular. The next historic day is March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern. A year later, already more than 100 computers on ARPANET joined to form a network or network. In 1984 the domain name system, which is now known by DNS or Domain Name Server. A computer connected to a network that is already more than 1000 computers. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network soared 10-fold to 10,000 more widened. In 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland discovered and once introduced the IRC or Internet Relay Chat. A year after returning users jumped 10-fold around 100,000 users connected. In 1990 could be considered the most historic in the world of the Internet, when Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and browser that can roam from one computer to another computer, which form a network. The program is called www, or World Wide Web. Applications World Wide Web (WWW) has become the content that awaited all internet users. WWW make all users can share a variety of applications and content, as well as associate each material spread on the internet. Since then the growth of Internet users rocketed to millions even today almost the whole world connected to the internet. Thus understanding about the history of the Internet and the Internet are growing rapidly until now. Hope can provide insight and knowledge repertoire pal.

pengertian internet(indonesia)

Pengertian Internet dan sejarah internet dari masa ke-masa - Menurut situs wikipedia Internet singkatan dari (interconnection-networking) yaitu sebuah sistem global jaringan komputer yang saling menghubungkan antara satu dengan yang lain di seluruh penjuru dunia. Adapaun standar yang digunakan disebut Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP). Komputer yang terhubung ke internet dapat melakukan aktifitas pertukaran data dengan cepat. Sejarah Internet Internet pertama kali muncul di Amerika Serikat yang di gagas oleh Departemen Pertahanan pada tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA disebut juga ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network). Dalam proyek tersebut mereka menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan perangkat hardware dan software berbasis UNIX, komunikasi bisa dilakukan dengan jarak yang tak terbatas melalui saluran telepon. Dalam proyek ARPANET terbentuklah cikal bakal TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) seperti sekarang ini. Mereka merancang bentuk jaringan, kehandalan, seberapa besar informasi dapat dipindahkan, dan akhirnya semua standar. Pada masa itu Internet di tujukan untuk kepentingan militer, namun seiring berjalanya waktu Internet pun berkembang untuk pendidikan dan umum. Tahun 1972, Roy Tomlinson berhasil menyempurnakan program e-mail yang ia ciptakan setahun yang lalu untuk ARPANET. Program e-mail ini begitu mudah sehingga langsung menjadi populer. Hari bersejarah berikutnya adalah tanggal 26 Maret 1976, ketika Ratu Inggris berhasil mengirimkan e-mail dari Royal Signals and Radar Establishment di Malvern. Setahun kemudian, sudah lebih dari 100 komputer yang bergabung di ARPANET membentuk sebuah jaringan atau network. Pada tahun 1984 diperkenalkan sistem nama domain, yang kini kita kenal dengan DNS atau Domain Name Server. Komputer yang tersambung dengan jaringan yang ada sudah melebihi 1000 komputer lebih. Pada 1987 jumlah komputer yang tersambung ke jaringan melonjak 10 kali lipat manjadi 10.000 lebih. Tahun 1988, Jarko Oikarinen dari Finland menemukan dan sekaligus memperkenalkan IRC atau Internet Relay Chat. Setahun sesudahnya pengguna kembali melonjak 10 kali lipat sekitar 100.000 pengguna terhubung. Pada tahun 1990 bisa di anggap tahun yang paling bersejarah dalam dunia internet, ketika Tim Berners Lee menemukan program editor dan browser yang bisa menjelajah antara satu komputer dengan komputer yang lainnya, yang membentuk jaringan itu. Program inilah yang disebut www, atau Worl Wide Web. Aplikasi World Wide Web (WWW) ini menjadi konten yang dinanti semua pengguna internet. WWW membuat semua pengguna dapat saling berbagi bermacam-macam aplikasi dan konten, serta saling mengaitkan materi-materi yang tersebar di internet. Sejak saat itu pertumbuhan pengguna internet meroket menjadi jutaan bahkan sampai saat ini hampir seluruh dunia terhubung ke internet. Demikian seputar pengertian internet dan sejarah internet yang berkembang pesat hingga sekarang ini. Semoga bisa memberikan wawasan dan khasanah pengetahuan sobat.

Rabu, 02 September 2015


Agar.io is the most addicting game of all,it's a game of eat or get eaten,it's an online game.
You first start with 10 score,you are very small and you can see the small colorful dots,that's your food to get big.you can split your self and shot or eject some of your mass.you can split and eject mass when you have 40 mass.you will shrink if you get big,the bigger you are the faster you shrink.

You will see these green round things(virus)

,it's use for exploding your self or someone else,if you are less than 100-150 mass you will not explode your self(depends on how big is the virus),if you shot mass to it,it will get big and duplicate it self(this is a tactic that people usually use,small one shot to the virus,then when the virus duplicate and it hits the big one,the big one will explode,so the small one can eat the big one's small part).

This is what will happened when you are big enough to go to the virus

Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

HOw to start of growtopia (best way)

First you need a small lock.than place it at your world,than you need at least 10 rock seeds and 10 dirt seeds
     Than once you combine it it will turn to a grass tree,
Once you break all 10 trees you will get the block

Grass are easy to drop seeds,so all you need to do is to break the blocks than you will get more seeds,than plant it than keep breaking it until you have 200 seeds.it will only took around 15 minutes
 to get 200 seeds
Than you sell it in a trade world,world example:trade,traded,sell,tradeg,etc
Sell it 200 for 1 world lock or what they usually say wl than place the wls in your world,than repeat the part again until you have 4 wl total(include your world).than you go to SONGTOPIA where it's free to copy songs and special for trading song notes.
you will buy those piano notes 40-50/wl buy 150 of them,than you will break those notes and get the seeds,so all you need to do is to keep farming(planting and breaking to get more) it,than after you get 400 of them sell 300 of it with a price 50/wl at SONGTOPIA and keep 100 of it,so you can continue the farming it.if you farm it 2x a day you will get around 5wl and if you farming it more than 2x a day you will get more than 5wl(this is the most affective way to start of growtopia)

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Rubik's cube

Rubik's cube is a small puzzle game that you have to match all the colors that is in the cube each side.it looks like a box with many colors.the first time you use it,you will be confuse about it,and then when you can solve it properly,you will not be confuse anymore.

Finger tricks is moving the cube with your finger,it will make you solving the cube faster.

You will start from making a cross 

Than your going to solve the first layer

Than the second layer

Than making another cross at the top 

Than making the cross side colors match 

And for the last,matching all the last corner color

I use a method called fridrich method (or CFOP,cross-first 2 layer-oll-pll).it is the most popular method for solving the Rubik's cube,most of all speed cubers (the person that can solve the Rubik's cube in a short time)use it.i also use that method because it's the best method that I can find

There are not only 1 tipe of Rubik's cube,there are many.for the best in my opinion for the 3x3x3 Rubik's cube you should use the fangshi shuangren version 2 and the mini.



Gaming(playing games) is a game that you play in a device.

Video game is a game with the video that your playing in your divice

Playing games to much will hurt your eyes,and make you to addicted to playing game 

Gaming sometimes will make you mad,sad,happy,etc.example: you're  playing an online game that is really hard to get items and You already have a lot of items then suddenly someone just entered your base than steal all your stuff without knowing that is gone ,and you will be very angry or sad(won't you be angry if someone just steal all your hard work?).

Here's some games that you should try:

  • Minecraft
  • Terraria
  • Clash of clans
  • Amnesia 
  • Call of duty:advance warfare
  • Rift
  • Assassin creed
  • Grand thief auto v


Minecraft is an amazing addicting MMO game

It's available on ps3(playstation 3),ps4(playstation 4),pc and mobile(iOS/android).i played the iOS version and it's not as good the pc version,because pc version are better

There are 2 basic gamemode in the game,there are survival mode and creative mode:

  • Survival mode is you survive true the night and you need to eat for keeping your health full,you can die in survival mode
  • Creative mode is where you can create anything you want and you can do whatever you want in that world

What you do is you destroy blocks and craft new things to destroy new blocks and to build new thing,to find ores is to dig under ground and don't dig straight down if your in survival mode(it has a chance that you can hit lava and die then lose all your stuff that you bring that time).so be careful

you can play online and offline:

  • Playing offline is that you are playing by yourself in the game,you get everything by yourself,
  • Playing online is that you play with friends with local network,or play online with servers(with other people). Different servers=different people there are tons of server in minecraft that you can try it by yourself.heres a website that you can visit,you can find tons of servers there http://minecraftservers.org/